Wednesday, 7 January 2015

BBC News At 10: Codes And Conventions

The BBC news uses codes and conventions to structure their broadcasting. The news uses this structure as a template to their show.

-Headlines: One of the main code and convention in the news, the headlines are the biggest news stories, which are usually hard news and the most important, hence why they are mentioned first.

-Voice over: A voice over is most commonly used as a form of storytelling which allows the video footage to run over the reporter, voice overs are usually heard at the beginning as way to establish a story before the location reporter is shown.

-Sports Headlines: A form of soft news (news which is lighter in tone and slightly less relevant) Sports headlines are featured at the end of the broadcast, unless their is currently a major sports event such as the Olympics or the world cup.

-Graphics: Graphics are used to illustrate a story in a visual way. Their are usually found in the titles and during stories that are presented in the studio.


-Location Reporter:

-Studio Reporter:

-Archive Footage:

-Witness Interview:

-Expert Interview:

-Observational Footage:

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